Worth A Thousand?

Any wonder this was in the clearance rack?

Any wonder this was in the clearence rack?

Some botonist got a good laugh when he named this one.

The first choice for lesbians!


The New Year is starting off with a bang. I’ve already had to work Sunday to try and get some requests done. My co-worker is working from home and coming in for a few hours every few days. He is having severe back trouble. It’s a tough situation for him, and changes everything at work. I have to say each day has been an adventure.

But I am training our mailroom guy to assist me. It’s only for the afternoon hours, but any help is better than none. Hopefully someday he can be brought on FT at the Help Desk.

The weekend was quite exciting for the Hubby as he bought a new SUV. Now I have to help him get his cell to hook up to the car’s bluetooth connection. It’s a color he wasn’t really wanting (red), but he can live with it. He got a great deal.

I downloaded the Windows 7 beta and hoping to get it running soon. I’ve heard almost nothing but good things about it. Really, the only bad things I’ve heard have been from people who seem to be stuck in their XP ways and don’t want to change. They are in for a surprise. Already some of the newer PC’s and hardware coming out will not run with XP. It’s time to prepare for a move, folks. I can’t wait because of all the good reports about 7. I hope to start testing our environment here at work on Windows 7 very soon.

I changed the layout of my blog. I loved that Christmas layout – it was perfect and the whole design was great, but the Holidays are over with. But it will probably appear next November.

And finally, I’ve started filming long segments of my pond with my Flip Minio camcorder. I put the camcorder on the tripod, aim it at a different place in the pond, and let it record. I’m hoping to put together a video showing it off.
